As part of our commitment to the communities we serve Four Town First Aid Squad offers a variety of services to help keep you healthy and safe.
Training Classes
Four Town offers classes in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED). We also offer basic first aid training at our training center. We also offer training at your school or place of business. See our class descriptions and scheduled training classes. Contact us for more information.
Four Town does not currently offer an EMT original training class. If you are interested in EMT training please contact us for more information.
Ambulance Standby
If you are planning a community event such as a 5k race, a school sporting event or any public event, Four Town may be able to provide an ambulance at your event in case someone has an injury.
Coverage for standby events depends on the availability of our personnel. Please contact us at least 2 weeks in advance of your event to discuss your needs.
Loan Closet
Four Town has wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, commodes, hospital beds and more that we loan out to residents in our coverage area. If you live in the Town of Moravia, Locke, Sempronius, Niles, or Summerhill and are in need of medical equipment, we may be able to help. Please give us a call at (315) 400-3085 and ask if we have what you may need.
Four Town has a long tradition of supporting the communities we serve in many different ways. As we look to the future we know we will continue that tradition. If you would like information about how you can get involved, fill out our contact form and a member of Four Town will contact you.